For Individuals | The Mother Corp.
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Divorce Help for Individuals

1:1 Tailored Services

In times of complexity and crisis, access healing strategies to help you navigate and work through bureaucratic systems, and the rebuilding of your life post-divorce.

Post-Divorce Rebuilding

We help you to reclaim your life post-divorce with focus on empowered recovery and rebuild strategies for building the next chapter of a life you will love.

Specialized Educational Support

We offer weekly virtual facilitated specialty support groups dedicated to addressing financial
literacy, financial abuse and hidden abuse.


Your Safety is the Highest Priority

We take safety, security and privacy seriously. Our virtual services are confidential, private and use secure, encrypted technology. Our goal is to keep you — and your information — safe. We will discuss security approaches in our first session and we can adapt our services to your needs.

Individual Services

What to Expect with 1:1 Services

In times of complexity and crisis, looking for help and working through trauma and bureaucratic systems can feel overwhelming. I serve as your confidential sounding board and partner, helping you navigate your situation and make the best decisions during this process.


Specifically, I help you:

  • Organize facts and documentation effectively
  • Navigate the divorce process and associated paperwork to ensure efficiency with your legal team

  • Organize financial paperwork to ensure an efficient process with legal and financial teams

  • All aspects of parenting and co-parenting

  • Rebuild the next chapter of your life post-divorce


Our services include:

  • Confidential Support: We work with clients confidentiality and discreetly, ensuring your privacy and peace of mind.

  • Trauma-Informed Help: Our Trauma Recovery healing services are tailored to your specific needs and are available virtually or in-person in Metro Vancouver.

  • Collaboration with Professionals: When appropriate, we can work with you and your lawyer to help do the tasks your lawyer sets out for you. We can also collaborate with your professional team. For instance, we can help educate your team about hidden abuse.

  • Effective Communication: Processing with your Divorce Doula improves your processing insights and communication capacity, leading to more productive interactions and outcomes.

  • Streamlining Processes: Help get key processes and strategic paperwork done quickly, whether 1:1 or with your professional team.

  • In-person support: We offer in-person support services to clients who are doing legal processes in Metro Vancouver, BC.


Together we can create meaningful positive outcomes for you and your family. We aim for increased feelings of safety, improved overall well-being and to lessen any harms you, and your children, may experience.


How We Work

We understand the necessity and urgency of needing support and we have no barriers. Working with us is hassle-free, and unlike elsewhere, we follow up on your calls. You choose the package, the usage, and the timing that best suits your needs.


After a free consultation call, individuals can choose from these four options:
  • 3x 1-hour sessions (over a month) $449

  • 8x 1-hour sessions (over 3 months) $1149

  • 1x Holistic Healing + Wellbeing Session  $159

  • 4x Holistic Healing + Wellbeing Sessions $629

Please enquire about 6 and 12 month packages


Divorce Roadmap sessions:
  • A half-day session $479

  • A full-day session $1099


Flexible Options:

  • Phone or virtual sessions as needed

  • Daily virtual sessions during a crisis or legal process

  • Half-day and full-day virtual divorce roadmap session

  • Weekly virtual sessions when there is a lot going on, but it is manageable

  • Bi-weekly virtual sessions when the situation is settling or maintained

  • Monthly virtual sessions for check-ins

  • In-person support during legal processes, such as a consult, discovery or court. 

  • In-person trauma recovery sessions are available in Metro Vancouver and virtually.


Our packages allow for flexibility to evolve with your needs. Get in touch to start your 1:1 journey.


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Educational Support Groups

Specialized Education Support Groups  

We offer virtual weekly facilitated specialty support groups dedicated to addressing financial literacy, financial abuse and hidden abuse. These groups provide dedicated time for support, education and strategic problem solving.

Participants can leave these sessions feeling relieved, empowered, informed, well-supported, and connected.



Our guiding principles:

Screened and Managed Access:

Access to our groups is carefully screened and managed to ensure the safety and privacy of all participants. Our groups are secure, gated and thoughtfully curated. Groups are not open for drop-ins.


Weekly Sessions:

Sessions occur for one-hour on a weekly basis.


Accessibility and Affordability:

Groups are aligned with our values of accessibility and affordability. Our groups help you define and make the progress you need to improve your life.



How our groups help

Combating Isolation:

Connect with others to reduce isolation.


Emotional Processing:

Providing a safe environment to process emotions.


Shared Experiences:

Learn from others' experiences, including what is helpful and what to avoid.



What participants gain

Financial Literacy:

Gain knowledge on day-to-day and long term financial skills.


Understanding Abuse:

Learn about the dimensions of financial and hidden abuse.


Recognizing the Signs:

Identify early warning signs of financial and hidden abuse.



Empowering solutions

Navigating Finances:

Learn techniques to navigate financial issues and constraints.


Addressing Hidden Abuse:

Develop approaches for navigating hidden abuse.




  • 1 hour virtual groups - weekly (4 sessions total) - 1 month* $125

  • 1 hour virtual groups - weekly (8 sessions total) - 2 months* $215

  • 1 hour virtual groups - weekly (12 sessions total) - 3 months* $300

*Minimum six participants required


Our support groups are designed for a comprehensive, empowering experience, enhancing your well-being and resilience on your journey to healing and growth. Get in touch with us to learn more about our education support groups.

Ready to Rebuild your Life?

Our divorce help doesn't stop after divorce. We provide direct, effective strategies that empower clients to confidently reclaim their lives with courage, clarity and renewed hope.

Claim Your Free Consultation

Together we can determine if our services align with your needs.

V, 2023

"Mothers trying to navigate the court system while raising their children and dealing with the profound effect of invisible and hidden abuse find themselves facing severe burnout, fatigue and confusion and they need someone who can help guide them through the bureaucracy and support them emotionally...

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